Thursday, July 15, 2010

Classic Movies

Many people think of black and white movies such as "Casablanca" and "It's A Wonderful Life" when considering classics. I, on the other hand, want my children to know where some popular culture comes from. A lot of scenes which are parodied or referenced are really from "famous" movies.

I watched "Thelma and Louise" yesterday which had the memorable ending. "Say Anything" had the boombox scene. Tonight was "Poltergeist" with the line "They're here." The other day they saw "The Shining" with the lines "Red rum" and "Heeeere's Johnny!"

Some tear-jerkers included "Terms of Endearment" and "Steel Magnolia." My daughter insisted I watch "The Notebook" which was a very sad movie. Her girlfriends consider that movie a "classic." I still get a lump in my throat (maybe tears in my eyes) when I watch "Pay It Forward" and "La Bamba." We watched a newer movie "My Sister's Keeper" which had my tears flowing and might become a classic. All I know is I can't watch it again.

Some times I have to explain things to them in order for it to make sense. Like the fact that "in the old days" the television sets played the national anthem before going to static. Now there are 24 hours channels and lots of them. No one walks around with a boombox anymore -- teeny, tiny iPods with earbuds are everywhere now.

Watching these movies with my children really makes me feel OLD. That's why I can call these "classics."


NYCitymomx3 said...

Hey Betty! I'm loving the blog. I just wanted to award you with a beautiful blogger award. You can see it here:

Unknown said...

I am so honored to have received the award. For those of you who haven't read her blog, you should go to (especially if you are thinking about home schooling).

Unknown said...

I really enjoy watching "the modern classics." :D