Tuesday, June 1, 2010


As I mark my twenty-first year of being married, the news is filled with the separation of Al and Tipper Gore after 40 years of marriage. You never know. What's to prevent the two of us from growing apart? Is it bad for my husband to have his kung-fu friends while I have my quilting and home schooling pals? I always thought it was better to have some things which are important to us but not require the other to be a part of it if he or she didn't have an interest. He likes to exercise while I loathe it. I like to make things while he likes to break things. Isn't the saying "opposites attract"? We do share the love of traveling, philanthropy, eating well, and how to raise our children (most of the time). I hope I picked the right guy who will be there for me "'til death do us part."


Marlene said...

Great post. I think you two will make it :)

Jo Ann said...

I often wonder about Joe and I. We do seem like opposites too, and I wonder how that will bode when the kids are gone. I think that as long as we continue to have outside interests and friends, it should be fine. No one person can meet every need and it would be unrealistic to expect them to. Basically, we share the same goals and core values and that is the important thing. That and a mutual love and respect for one another.

Melissa (Melgurl) said...
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Unknown said...

No... only 21 for now.

Melissa (Melgurl) said...

21 years thats older then me.